Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Barder and yellow turban boy are on an adventure of excitement and peril. They are flying, running from the radioactive monkeys of teh 3rd dimension. As they evade laser fire witht he monkeys after the yellow turban Barder and Scruffy stole!!!! The shocking battle ensues over the Mediterranean Sea with a fabulous display of color and danger. Boom Boom "That was a close one" says Scruffy. "Woof woof" replied Barder. More lasers fly past Barder and Scruffy as they continue their escape from the monkeys!!!

Suddenly the Monkey King Bubbles appears to purse Scruffy and Barder. They become trapped on the island nation of Sicily. They hide as Bubbles and his radioactive monkey army search for them in Sicily. The native townsfolk fire at the monkey making Sicily a galatic interplanar inter dimension warzone. Scruffy calls for his rabbit ninjas to help battle against King Bubbles. The battle continues in the morning as GODZILLA appears and begins to terrorizing both sides. Scattered and baffled King Bubbles, Scruffy, Barder, and the sicilian people join together and call Cthulthu by the powers of the yellow turban........thus ending all life on earth!!!!!!!!!

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

-H.P. Love Craft


  1. I am not sure what the last sentence means, if anything. Nevertheless, I found the story very different, unique... imaginative. Anyways, I liked it.

  2. Very imagniative and creative. I like it! A couple of baby type-os, but nothing too terrible! Nicely done Jeb!
